Right click on the usbspi.dll file and copy it.Extract the zip file that was downloaded.Install the Blue Suite software first (take note of where you choose to install it if you change it from the default).Zadig Driver Installer - This is for installing a generic driver for you FTDI module that the custom drivers need.The readme on this GitHub project is full of good information so if you run into any issues it's worth checking it out Go to the releases link up the top and download the latest zip file. FTDI Module Drivers - These are the custom drivers that allow us to use the FTDI module to flash the Bluetooth Module.When you login, revisit this link again to be brought to the downloads page After you register they will email you your password. Blue Suite Software - This requires you to register, it says you need a business email address, but a Gmail one worked fine for me.So first we want to download the following: Next we want to download and install the different bit of software we need for the flashing process. It's worth pointing out that the RN42, while it is a bit more expensive than the HC-05, (about $15 more), there is significantly less effort involved in using one directly! So if you are interested in using a Bluetooth HID module in your project, definitely consider that as a good option! Just personally I really like the thought of upgrading something to do things it wasn't really intended to do! With a Bluetooth HID module you can connect to your arduino projects to your Cell phone or computer and get it to behave like a Mouse/Keyboard or game pad device. The feature we are most interested in is that the module can work as a HID device. They do however use the exact same chip as modules that are more feature rich, so it is possible to re-flash them with the firmware of these modules to get the same features. They are pretty basic modules though and don't support too many features. The HC-05 and HC-06 are really common Bluetooth modules used in Arduino projects, they are very easy to connect to and are only about $3 each.